A sweetheart of Sushma Karki, Niran Shahi again pulsates her in a bistro, Tuesday. Them two went for lunch, best case scenario Food Cafe, Putalisadak. After the episode Niran leave from the bistro. Their connection hadn't been smooth. On the off chance that the connection is going ahead in same circumstance then there is a high plausibility of splits up.
sushmaLast month Niran beat Sushma in backstage at Dharan. In the stage she was crying when she moved. In the earlier year they had isolated for 6 month than after they fixed up, began business and living respectively as well. They run an eatery in Thamel yet the business wasn't gainful in this way, they have effectively sold it.
In the wake of happening such episode likewise they denied the news about issue in relationship. They didn't give others to think about their own squabble/a chance to battle.
According to Sushma is a strong performing artist in Nepali film field though Niran Shrestha is a vocalist.