In the 1930s, American understudies began the impossible to miss winning design of goldfish swallowing. The practice was depicted by swallowing a live goldfish. In the 1940s, goldfish swallowing was supplanted by telephone slow down stuffing. In this common manner, youngsters would pack themselves into telephone corners. Generally speaking, upwards of 25 understudies made sense of how to enter a standard telephone corner. Telephone corner stuffing was a mind boggling winning design, however the practice was finished by 1959. Other standard winning styles in the midst of this time in history included hunkerin' on the pieces of your feet, streaking and undies assaults. In 1948, the important clothing strike was done at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois.
An undies assault is a trap in which an enormous amassing of school men sneak into a women's living arrangement room and take some of their clothing. Prior to the end of 1952, clothing strikes were consistent in American schools and the pattern spread to more than 52 grounds. Overall, the women appreciated the thought and upheld the men. They opened up their passages and heaved out unmentionables. In light of the assault, the women would occasionally deal with their own counterattack. Undies assaults functioned as an entertaining test against curfews and restrictions that banned male visitors from women's homes. By the 1970s, the execution of mixed quarters made a reduction in clothing strikes. The trap made a strong bounce back in the midst of the 1980s with the landing of the parody film Revenge of the Nerds, which holds a model clothing strike scene.